My Heart is Singing
Playlist, Lyrics and Songwriters
Song List / Songwriters — 55 minutes
My Heart is Singing Unknown songwriter Draw Near, Draw Near Anubhava / Peter Makena Rising in Love with You Subhan* Now You’re in My Heart Deva Abhinandan / Abhi Ktori Persuade the Buddha Maniko I Didn't Know (faster version) Bindu With You Osho * Miten* Gratefulness (instrumental) Atirup, played by The Uta Band All the Birds Fly Home Dipamo / Manu Bazzano * Subhan © 1995 * Miten © Prabhu Music * original title is With You My Lord 1 My Heart is Singing Unknown songwriter
Osho, you are a song And my heart is singing La la la la la… 2 Draw Near, Draw Near Anubhava / Peter Makena Draw near, draw near Draw near, draw near And I will whisper in your ear The name whose radiance Makes the spheres to dance Osho Just a glimpse of the real man standing there We are in love, love, love… Osho 3 Rising in Love with You Subhan* I close my eyes and you are there I open my heart and you are everywhere Falling into the center of the cyclone Rising in love with you Falling into the center of my being Rising in love with you 4 Now You’re in My Heart Deva Abhinandan / Abhi Ktori Now you’re in my heart Every part of me is dancing And my little dancing wave Disappears into the sea 5 Persuade the Buddha Maniko Persuade the buddha behind The buddha in front The buddha inside of me I celebrate myself 6 I Didn’t Know (faster version) Bindu I didn’t know what love was like Until I met you, Osho I didn’t know how love could flow Until I met you, Osho You stole my heart and changed my name And since that day My love, my life, is not the same 7 With You Osho* Miten* With you Osho, I can touch the sky With you Osho, I can come alive With you Osho, I can be myself Nobody else Oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, Osho Oh, oh, we are flying Home, home 8 Gratefulness (instrumental) Atirup, played by The Uta Band 9 All the Birds Fly Home Dipamo / Manu Bazzano. All the birds fly home As the sun goes down In silence, can be touched The splendor of your love The splendor of your love Beloved one *Subhan © 1995 *Miten © Prabhu Music *The original title is With You My Lord More information about the songs in this Album 1 My Heart is Singing There are several singers -it became a wonderful choir! Devapria, Deven, Pyaar, Devi-Maliha, Nandin and Deva Usha Also Nandin. Flute Pravira Violin Atriup Plays ukelele and guitar and added bass and percussion He recorded the separate tracks Bhakta Sound engineer, mixing and mastering and adding in additional sounds, including more percussion 2. Draw Near, Draw Near Singers Narayani and Anandgyan Guitar Chinmaya Dunster Flute . Bikram Keyboard Joseph Satralkar 3 Rising in Love with You Singers Abha and Basera from the Cologne Uta Band Editing and sound engineering and final mastering is by Bhakta Other musicians are all from the Cologne Uta Band . There will be another section mentioning the names of many musicians who were or are part of the band as it evolved and changed over many years. The present coordinators of the band are mentioned in the introduction to this website. 4 Now You're in My Heart Singers. Abha and Basera from the Cologne Uta Band Basera recorded this song in a studio at the Uta Institute Nandin. Flute Basera Guitar Violin Pravira Recorded and mixed by Basera Bhakta Mastering 5 Persuade the Buddha. live recording Singers. Abha and Basera from the Cologne Uta Band Editing and sound engineering and final mastering iby Bhakta Musicians are members of the Uta Band 6 I Didn"t Know ( faster version) Singers. Narayani and Anandgyan Guitar. Chinmaya Dunster Keyboard. Joseph Satralkar Percussion Vatayan Recorded and Produced by Chinmaya Dunster Mastered by Bhakta 7. With You Osho Singers. Narayani and Anandgyan Guitar Chinmaya Dunster Keyboard Joseph Satralkar Recorded and Produced by Chinmaya Dunster Mastered by Bhakta 8 Gratefulness live instrumental from the Cologne Uta Band Guitars. Atirup and Parijat Flute Nandin Editing and sound engineering and final mastering by Bhakta 9 All the Birds Fly Home Singer. Narayani Guitar Chinmaya Dunster Keyboard Joseph Satralkar Flute Bikram Recorded and produced by Chinmaya Dunster Mastered by Bhakta |
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